Is the Israeli video showing the surrender of Hamas fighters in Gaza real? | Israel-Palestine conflict #Israeli #video #showing #surrender #Hamas #fighters #Gaza #real #IsraelPalestine #conflict

Video circulating in Israeli media appears to show the surrender of some Hamas fighters.

A video circulating in Israeli media appears to show the surrender of some Hamas fighters.

But some critics have cast doubt on its authenticity and say it was likely staged.

The footage began circulating as Hamas fighters continue to battle Israeli forces in Gaza, as the Israeli assault enters its third month, and Israel faces growing global condemnation for killing Palestinian civilians. More than 18,000 people have been killed in the Israeli assault, according to Palestinian officials.

Is the video an attempt by Israel to deflect criticism of its assault on Gaza? And is it real or fake?

Presenter: Cyril Vanier


Sahar Khamis – Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Middle East Council on Global Affairs and a specialist on Arab and Muslim media

Marc Owen Jones – Associate Professor of Middle East Studies at Hamad bin Khalifa University

Dina Matar – Professor of Political Communication and Arab Media at the Centre for Global Media and Communication, School of Oriental and African Studies

#Israeli #video #showing #surrender #Hamas #fighters #Gaza #real #IsraelPalestine #conflict

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