Russian spies targeting UK MPs and media with ‘cyber interference’ | Politics #Russian #spies #targeting #MPs #media #cyber #interference #Politics

The Russian Federal Security Service has used “cyber interference” to target MPs, journalists and others as part of attempts to “meddle in British politics”, the Foreign Office minister Leo Docherty has told the Commons.

Speaking about Russian “attempted cyber interference” and “malicious cyber activity”, Docherty said: “I can confirm today that the Russian Federal Security Services, the FSB, is behind a sustained effort to interfere in our democratic processes.

“They have targeted members of this house and the [House of Lords]. They have been targeting civil servants, journalists and NGOs [non-governmental organisations].

“They have been targeting high-profile individuals and entities with a clear intent – using information they obtain to meddle in British politics.”

More details soon …

#Russian #spies #targeting #MPs #media #cyber #interference #Politics

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