Majority of Europeans think their country has benefited from EU membership, polling finds – Europe live | European Union #Majority #Europeans #country #benefited #membership #polling #finds #Europe #live #European #Union

72% of Europeans says their country benefited from EU membership, study finds

The majority of Europeans seeing membership in the European Union as a good thing, according to a Eurobarometer poll published today.

“Large and stable majorities of Europeans (61%) say that EU membership is a good thing and that their country has benefited from being a member of the EU (72%),” the report found.

It added:

Results for the latter have been steadily increasing over time, going from 50% in autumn 2010, to 67% in spring 2019 and reaching 72% since autumn 2020.

At the national level, over nine out of ten citizens in Lithuania (94%), Ireland (93%), Luxembourg (93%) and Malta (92%) say their country has benefited from EU membership, while the lowest shares are found in Italy (57%), Bulgaria (57%) and Austria (55%).

European parliament’s Autumn 2023 Eurobarometer
European parliament’s Autumn 2023 Eurobarometer Photograph: Eurobarometer

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Europeans pessimistic about their future standard of living, polling shows

Seventy-three per cent of Europeans think their standard of living will decrease over the next year, according to a Eurobarometer poll published this morning.

Close to half (47%) have already seen their standard of living reduced. 26% have not, but expect it to decrease over the next year.

37% have difficulties paying bills sometimes or most of the time, the study found.

Asked “during the last twelve months, would you say you had difficulties to pay your bills at the end of the month”, 36% of Greeks said “most of the time” while 50% of Greek respondents said “from time to time”. 14% said “almost never/never”.

In Sweden, on the other hand, 93% said they “almost never/never” have difficulties paying bills.

European parliament’s autumn 2023 Eurobarometer survey
European parliament’s autumn 2023 Eurobarometer survey. Photograph: Eurobarometer

72% of Europeans says their country benefited from EU membership, study finds

The majority of Europeans seeing membership in the European Union as a good thing, according to a Eurobarometer poll published today.

“Large and stable majorities of Europeans (61%) say that EU membership is a good thing and that their country has benefited from being a member of the EU (72%),” the report found.

It added:

Results for the latter have been steadily increasing over time, going from 50% in autumn 2010, to 67% in spring 2019 and reaching 72% since autumn 2020.

At the national level, over nine out of ten citizens in Lithuania (94%), Ireland (93%), Luxembourg (93%) and Malta (92%) say their country has benefited from EU membership, while the lowest shares are found in Italy (57%), Bulgaria (57%) and Austria (55%).

European parliament’s Autumn 2023 Eurobarometer
European parliament’s Autumn 2023 Eurobarometer Photograph: Eurobarometer

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