YouTuber jailed after staging plane crash in California to make video | Social media #YouTuber #jailed #staging #plane #crash #California #video #Social #media

An influencer who staged a plane crash in California to make a YouTube video of himself parachuting to safety has been sentenced to six months in federal prison for obstructing the investigation by destroying the wreckage.

Trevor Daniel Jacob, 30, an experienced pilot and skydiver, pleaded guilty in June to one count of destruction and concealment with the intent to obstruct a federal investigation.

The video titled I Crashed My Airplane appeared in December 2021 and purported to show Jacob’s small plane have engine failure over the mountainous Los Padres national forest in Santa Barbara county. Already wearing a parachute, he jumped out with a selfie stick camera in hand.

His jump and the aircraft’s plunge were recorded by cameras mounted on the plane’s wing and tail and by the camera he carried. After landing, he hiked to the crash site and recovered video from the onboard cameras, the government said.

Trevor Daniel Jacob in his plane
The justice department said Jacob lied that he did not know the location of the wreckage. Photograph:

According to the plea agreement, Jacob had a sponsorship deal to promote a company’s product in a video he would post, and he never intended to complete the 24 November 2021 flight.

The justice department said Jacob later informed federal investigators about the crash, was told he was responsible for preserving the wreckage, agreed to determine its location – and then lied that he did not know the location.

On 10 December 2021, Jacob and a friend flew to the site in a helicopter that was used to lift the wreckage and fly it to a trailer attached to his pickup truck, according to the agreement. The plane was later cut up, and the parts were disposed of in trash bins.

Jacob, of Lompoc, California, had his pilot licence revoked by the Federal Aviation Administration in 2022.

#YouTuber #jailed #staging #plane #crash #California #video #Social #media

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