TikTok star Caleb Coffee hospitalized after fall off 80-foot Hawaii cliff, family says #TikTok #star #Caleb #Coffee #hospitalized #fall #80foot #Hawaii #cliff #family

Teenage Tik Tok star Caleb Coffee has been hospitalized after surviving a 60 to 80 foot fall from a Hawaii cliff onto lava rock, he and his family said on social media.

The 18-year-old social media star was in the ICU after the terrifying fall, his father, Jason Coffee, who is also a social media influencer and YouTuber, said on Instagram Thursday. 

“Quick update on Caleb: He is stable, conscious, talking and in good spirits,” he said. He noted that doctors initially believed Caleb may have had a small break in his neck.

“He has a broken femur (surgery placed a rod through it), 2 plates & 10 screws in his right elbow, a fractured left wrist, stitches in forehead and lip,” the father wrote in an Instagram story. “It looks like it’s going to be a long road to recovery but Caleb is strong and we know he’s going to get through this!”

Later on Thursday, the father shared a video of Caleb speaking from his hospital bed, with stitches visible on his forehead and mouth, sharing news that he learned his neck is intact.

“So it’s day 2 after falling off a cliff, 80 foot cliff,” Caleb said. “For the past two days all of the doctors thought that my spine or neck was broken and I just got out of another MRI and it turns out, somehow, miraculously that it’s not broken, just irritation. And I personally can not make up an explanation for that other than thank you, Jesus.”

Caleb, who has over 1 million followers on Instagram and 11 million on Tik Tok, also shared an update on his Tik Tok account, revealing this wasn’t his first near-death experience.

“When I was younger I had severe seizures, grand mal seizures, and I almost died and yesterday I almost died as well,” he said, becoming emotional.

“Sixty to 80 feet is … I can’t even fathom that. I don’t even remember. I just woke up and I thought I was going to die. And then I didn’t die, so thank you God,” he added.

His family has started a fundraiser that has raised over $16,000 towards its $100,000 goal.

Caleb, who posts content of his adventures outdoors, and moments with his family, moved to Hawaii in May, according to an Instagram post. 

#TikTok #star #Caleb #Coffee #hospitalized #fall #80foot #Hawaii #cliff #family

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