Russia imposes travel restrictions on UK diplomats #Russia #imposes #travel #restrictions #diplomats

Russia on Thursday imposed travel restrictions on most British diplomats in the country, a practice reminiscent of the Soviet Union’s tight control over the movement of foreigners

MOSCOW — Russia on Thursday imposed travel restrictions on most British diplomats in the country, a practice reminiscent of the Soviet Union’s tight control over the movement of foreigners.

The Foreign Ministry summoned UK charge d’affaires Tom Dodd to announce the policy, saying it was “a response to the hostile actions of London, including hindering the normal functioning of Russian overseas missions in the UK.”

The ministry also said it upbraided Dodd for the UK’s support of “the terrorist actions of the Kyiv regime.” Britain is among the countries most strongly supporting Ukraine in the fighting with Russia.

Under the restrictions, most UK diplomatic personnel will be required to give Russia five days’ notice of intent to travel out a 120-kilometer (75-mile) radius and to state the purpose of the trip, the route, accommodations and planned contacts.

The ambassador, the consuls in Moscow and the deputy chief of mission are exempt from the order.

#Russia #imposes #travel #restrictions #diplomats

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