Michigan charges 16 fake electors for Donald Trump with election law and forgery felonies #Michigan #charges #fake #electors #Donald #Trump #election #law #forgery #felonies

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Michigan’s attorney general is charging 16 Republicans with multiple felonies after they are alleged to have submitted false certificates stating they were the state’s presidential electors despite Joe Biden’s 154,000-vote victory in 2020.

Dana Nessel, a Democrat, announced Tuesday that all 16 individuals would be charged with multiple felony counts, including two counts of forgery, which is a 14-year felony. The group includes Republican National Committeewoman Kathy Berden and Meshawn Maddock, former co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party.

“It would be malfeasance of the greatest magnitude if my department failed to act here in the face of overwhelming evidence of an organized effort to circumvent the lawfully cast ballots of millions of Michigan voters in a presidential election,” Nessel said in a statement.

#Michigan #charges #fake #electors #Donald #Trump #election #law #forgery #felonies

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