Nutmeg entrepreneur Nick Hungerford dies of bone cancer aged 43 | Cancer #Nutmeg #entrepreneur #Nick #Hungerford #dies #bone #cancer #aged #Cancer

One of Britain’s most successful entrepreneurs has died aged 43 as a result of bone cancer.

Nick Hungerford, the founder of the personal investment site Nutmeg, was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer called Ewing’s sarcoma in 2020 after feeling pain in his right thigh. An X-ray confirmed that he had a five-inch tumour, which could also affect tissue around the bones.

In June, Hungerford confirmed that his cancer was terminal and that he had two months to live. His diagnosis motivated him to set up the charity Elizabeth’s Smile, which aims to help the millions of children who will lose a parent to terminal illness.

Hungerford named the charity as a tribute to his daughter Elizabeth, two, who he had previously described as a “true daddy’s girl”.

Nick Hungerford with his wife Nancy and their daughter Elizabeth.
Nick Hungerford with his wife Nancy and their daughter Elizabeth. Photograph: Nutmeg/PA

The charity, Elizabeth’s Smile, posted on its website that Hungerford had died on 6 July, before adding: “We are deeply saddened to share the news of Nick’s death.

“In loving memory of our founder, our work to make sure grieving children reach their full potential continues. Nick’s Smile will inspire us, always.”

Writing in the Telegraph about his motivation to set up the charity, Hungerford said that the impact losing a parent has on a child has a “real lack of understanding”.

He added: “My daughter is not going to be condemned to a lifetime of grief, worry or disadvantage because of my illness.

“It’s not the pain or fear of death that worries me most, it’s leaving my wife and my toddler daughter. Elizabeth is just two-and-a-half, and she will have to grow up without me. She is already a true daddy’s girl – we share incredible hugs, she misses me when I’m at the hospital, and greets me with her toy stethoscope, saying how brave I am.

“The thought of missing her first day of school, of not giving a speech at her wedding, buries me with emotion.”

Born in Bristol, Hungerford studied at Exeter and Stanford universities and began his career as a wealth manager at Barclays and Brewin Dolphin before founding Nutmeg.

In a statement, Nutmeg said: “On behalf of all Nutmeg colleagues, past and present, we are incredibly proud of the journey Nick started, everything achieved so far and the opportunity we have to continue help people manage their money in the future”.

In 2021, Nutmeg was sold to JP Morgan for almost £700m. The app was notably rejected by funders 45 times.

#Nutmeg #entrepreneur #Nick #Hungerford #dies #bone #cancer #aged #Cancer

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