Holyrood accuses Tories of trying to ‘sabotage’ deposit return scheme | Scotland #Holyrood #accuses #Tories #sabotage #deposit #return #scheme #Scotland

The UK government has been accused of trying to “sabotage” Scotland’s deposit return scheme (DRS) after it ruled the environmental initiative could only go ahead if glass bottles were removed from its remit.

Lorna Slater, the Scottish government minister responsible for implementing DRS, said ministers at Holyrood would have to “look very seriously at where this leaves the viability of the Scottish scheme”.

The first minister, Humza Yousaf, has said it would be a “democratic outrage” for the UK government to only allow DRS to go ahead without glass.

He criticised Conservative ministers on Twitter for “demanding” glass be dropped from the Scottish scheme, despite regulations passed by Holyrood specifically including this.

“That’s your respect agenda for you right there,” the first minister said.

He and Scottish Green government minister Slater hit out after the UK government declared that in order for it to allow DRS in Scotland to proceed, the scheme – which has a start date of March 2024 – could only include PET plastic bottles, and aluminium and steel cans.

With similar schemes in the rest of the UK not due to come into effect until 2025, Scottish ministers had been forced to seek an exemption from the UK Internal Market Act, amid concerns trade between the four nations could be affected.

UK ministers argued having glass in the Scottish scheme could create a “permanent divergence” in the market, as glass bottles are not included in the plans for England and Northern Ireland.

A letter from the UK environment secretary, Thérèse Coffey, Scottish secretary, Alister Jack, and the minister for intergovernmental relations, Michael Gove, sent to the Scottish first minister late on Friday night, added that this would be “a very significant step for businesses and consumers, and there is insufficient justification for such an approach”.

Slater, the circular economy minister in the Scottish government, said: “Once again the UK government has shown utter disregard for devolution.”

She said: “Scottish ministers received the UK government’s decision letter at 10pm on a Friday night, more than 12 hours after its contents being briefed to press. This is treating the Scottish parliament with contempt.

“Despite discussions over the last two years, this is an 11th hour attempt by the UK government to sabotage Scotland’s deposit return scheme by forcing us to remove glass bottles.

“This is at odds with all the evidence that says the biggest benefits, economically, financially and environmentally, are from including glass.

“We are now going to have to look very seriously at where this leaves the viability of the Scottish scheme and talk to businesses, delivery partners and other organisations over the coming days and weeks.”

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The Scottish government had previously noted all but six of the 51 deposit return schemes operating elsewhere in the world included glass, adding that forcing Scotland to remove it from its scheme would mean recycling rates for glass bottles remained at an “unacceptable” 63%.

A UK government spokesperson said on Saturday: “The drinks industry has raised concerns about the Scottish government’s deposit return scheme differing from plans in the rest of the UK, resulting in the Scottish government reviewing and pausing their scheme earlier this year.

“We have listened to these concerns and that is why we have accepted the Scottish government’s request for a UK Internal Market (UKIM) exclusion on a temporary and limited basis to ensure the Scottish government’s scheme aligns with planned schemes for the rest of the UK.

“Deposit return schemes need to be consistent across the UK and this is the best way to provide a simple and effective system.

“A system with the same rules for the whole UK will increase recycling collection rates and reduce litter – as well as minimise disruption to the drinks industry and ensure simplicity for consumers.”

#Holyrood #accuses #Tories #sabotage #deposit #return #scheme #Scotland

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