Mirror Group: phone-hacking trial initiated by Prince Harry and others continues – live | Daily Mirror #Mirror #Group #phonehacking #trial #initiated #Prince #Harry #continues #live #Daily #Mirror

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Lawyers are going through documents they say will give background on evidence the court is due to hear later. We’ll bring you details of that evidence as the court hears it.

Second day of phone hacking trial gets under way

Good morning, welcome to the Guardian’s live coverage of phone hacking claims against Mirror Group Newspapers at the high court in London.

This is the first of Prince Harry’s three phone-hacking cases against British newspaper groups to go to trial, with the royal waiting to hear whether the courts will allow him to proceed with two separate cases against the parent companies of the Sun and the Daily Mail.

Yesterday, the court heard allegations that the former Mirror editor Piers Morgan knew about illegal phone hacking that was being “carried out on an industrial scale” at the paper.

Morgan, now a presenter on Rupert Murdoch’s TalkTV, has always denied knowingly commissioning or publishing stories based on illegally obtained voicemails.

Witnesses told the court on Wednesday they had heard Morgan openly discussing how phone hacking operated.

You can read my colleague Jim Waterson’s full story on Wednesday’s proceedings here:

#Mirror #Group #phonehacking #trial #initiated #Prince #Harry #continues #live #Daily #Mirror

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